Reality Check: Hillary Clinton misleads about her 9/11 whereabouts

Like virtually everyone who was alive and aware that day, Hillary Clinton probably remembers where she was when hijackers slammed two planes in the World Trade Center in New York and another into the Pentagon. Except during a rally earlier this week, her memory seemed to escape her.

Clinton made the point to a rally in Sanford, Florida, that she was well aware of the dangers the country faced from terrorism.

“And when I think about keeping America safe, obviously I think about defeating terrorism,” she said. “I know what happened not far from here at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. I was in New York City on 9/11 as one of two senators. I will defeat ISIS. I will protect America.”

That’s just not true. In her book, Hard Choices she says she arrived in the city the day after the terrorist attacks.

“After a long, sleepless night in Washington, I flew to New York with Chuck Schumer, my partner in the Senate, on a special plane operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency,” she wrote. “The city was in lockdown, and we were the only ones in the sky that day, except for the Air Force fighters patrolling overhead.”

Clinton has recounted this same narrative many, many times, making her rally comments puzzling.

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