Did Bill Murray magic help Cubs win?

Is there anyone happier today than Bill Murray?

Probably not.

You can’t talk World Series victory and not mention the actor and major Chicago Cubs fan.

A quick peek at social media shows Murray appearing to be everywhere celebrating with a grin so big you would think a curse had been lifted or something.

Who needed a ticket to the game when we had Bill Murray there representing us?

And his face when they won? Twitter said it best: “We are all Bill Murray tonight.”

Not to take away from the incredible performance of the team, but we are going to say that Murray’s good vibes contributed.

He’s always been a wonderful everyman, but lately he’s been going the extra mile.

From bar tending a shift at a Brooklyn bar to giving his extra World Series ticket to a fan from Indiana so she too could enjoy a little bit of history, the dude couldn’t be cooler.

And we are betting that today he is walking on cloud nine and hoping for a “Groundhog Day” repeat next season.

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