Ana Navarro demonstrates her ‘listening woman’ face

CNN political commentator Ana Navarro perfected her “listening woman” face live on air Thursday while proclaiming that if Donald Trump were female, people wouldn’t tolerate his behavior.

“If Donald Trump was a woman, the first people that would be saying to him, ‘girlfriend, you’re crazy,’ would be women. I don’t think we would let her out there if Donald Trump was a woman,” she told “New Day’s” Alisyn Camerota.

“By the way, forget bleaching emails, I’d like to bleach my mind right now from that image,” she added.

Navarro also discussed Hillary Clinton’s recent interview with People Magazine in which the Democratic presidential nominee said that before the recent presidential debates she had practiced her “listening woman” face.

“If there’s one person who needs a ‘listening woman’ face it’s Donald Trump. Because he does not have a poker face during the debates at all,” said Camerota, adding, “But what even is that, Ana? What’s a listening woman face?”

Navarro — a Republican who says he’s not voting for either major party candidate — then demonstrated by smiling sweetly into the camera, head tilted, as Camerota laughed.

“I think a ‘listening woman’ face means that we think that we’re supposed to be a little bit more docile and sort of understanding in that way that you’re doing with the head turn,” Camerota said.

“Look, whatever she (Clinton) did, I think she did brilliantly,” replied Navarro.

“What she did was sit there, with a smile on her face, not a smirk, a smile. Listening as Donald Trump came completely unraveled with those debate questions. He went on and on and on with the answers. We were seeing like a ball of yarn just come apart in front of our eyes,” Navarro said.

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