About that Lindsay Lohan accent

Say what Lindsay Lohan?

The Internet has been obsessed with this new accent the “Mean Girls” star has been displaying during recent interviews.

It’s kind of hard to place exactly what it is, but Twitter had some fun trying.

There have been some wild theories about what’s behind the new sound, including — according to Buzzfeed — that Lohan is being paid by the Turkish government (it wouldn’t be the Internet without conspiracy theories now would it?).

But Lohan has a simple explanation for it all.

She’s a citizen of the world now.

“It’s a mixture of most of the languages I can understand or am trying to learn,” the actress told the Daily Mail.

After all, she did relocate to London a few years ago. She has a nightclub in Greece and has been visiting Syrian refugee camps.

Her parents back her up.

Michael Lohan told Entertainment Tonight his daughter has an ear for languages (she is reportedly in the process of mastering six).

“I will tell you this, she’s spoken other languages on the phone with me — languages I don’t understand,” he said. “I’ll be on the phone with her and I’ll hear her say something in fluent Farsi to a friend she’s with.”

Her mother, Dina Lohan, said she raised all of her children to embrace other languages and cultures.

“Since Lindsay was a kid, she was speaking fluent Italian because my mother is Italian and would only speak to her in it,” Dina Lohan said. “She taught herself how to speak French, Arabic, Hebrew and the list goes on. Lindsay has a very high IQ and is very intelligent and can pick up on any language in a minute.”

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