Dad stages trick-or-treat on plane so daughter won’t miss Halloween

It started with an in-flight tweet from a passenger, and now the Internet is mooning over its latest Dad of the Year.

“OMG, my heart is exploding right now,” Stephanie Kahan’s tweet said. “Dad of the year just passed out candy to everyone on the flight so his 3 year old could trick or treat.”

That’s pretty much the story. But you can guess why it’s taken off.

The passengers were on a flight Monday night from Boston to San Francisco. The girl, Molly, was sad the six-hour flight was making her miss her annual candy hunt.

But no self-respecting father was going to let that stand.

So Molly’s dad passed out candy to passengers on the flight with a note that read:

“My 3-year-old daughter, Molly, was bummed that she wouldn’t be able to go trick-or-treating this year due to this flight … so I decided to bring trick-or-treating to her. If you are willing, when my little donut comes down the aisle, please drop this in her basket. You’ll be making her Halloween! It you’re unwilling, no worries, just pass the treat back to me. Thanks so much!”

So that’s what a planeful of passengers did for a little girl dressed as a donut.

Kahan said in a followup tweet that the girl’s father wishes to remain anonymous. But his gesture has already struck a chord. So far Kahan’s initial tweet has been liked by more than 140,000 people.

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