Trump says he will dramatically ramp up donations in final stretch of campaign

Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday he is prepared to open up his wallet and donate considerably more to his campaign in the closing days of the race.

He claimed that by Election Day, he will have spent $100 million. Federal Election Commission records through September, however, show Trump has given far less to his campaign so far.

“I will have over $100 million in the campaign, and I’m prepared to go much more than that,” he told CNN’s Dana Bash outside of his new hotel in Washington, D.C.

Trump also said he was confident of victory next month despite poll numbers showing him lagging behind Hillary Clinton.

“We are going to have, I think, a tremendous victory,” he said.

Trump has given less than $60 million since the beginning of the race, records show, and his contributions have slowed considerably since he won the GOP nomination.

Trump’s personal giving will become clearer Thursday, when his contributions from October 1 to October 19 will be revealed.

Donations after that date will not become public until December.

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