Hillary Clinton doubts Donald Trump has ever read the Constitution

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday that after watching Donald Trump’s campaign, she doubts the Republican nominee has ever read the United States Constitution.

Speaking to an gym full of people at Palm Beach State College, Clinton blasted Trump for refusing to say whether he will accept the results of the election at the third debate last week.

“Listening to Donald Trump’s campaign, I truly doubt that he has ever read the Constitution,” Clinton said. “Or if he did, back in school, he certainly doesn’t remember it and he doesn’t understand it is the most important founding document for the longest lasting greatest democracy in the history of the world.”

Clinton’s closing argument against Trump has been that the Republican presidential nominee is not only wrong on policy, but he is a threat to democracy.

On Tuesday in Coconut Creek, Florida, Clinton said Trump’s final target in his campaign is “democracy itself.”

She echoed that message Wednesday, arguing that Trump fails to understand the importance of a peaceful transition of power and would have called George Washington, the first president of the United States who turned over power after eight years, “a loser.”

“We need to have a peaceful transition of power,” Clinton said. “One person can’t act like they are in charge of everything in America. That is not who we are. We disagree, in case you haven’t noted, but then we come together and we roll up our selves and we get things done.”

As early voting begins in Florida and North Carolina, Clinton’s campaign has turned its focus to the two key swing states.

Clinton will return to Florida on Saturday, Sen. Bill Nelson announced at Clinton’s Wednesday event, meaning the Democratic nominee will have spent three days of the second to last week of the campaign in the Sunshine State.

Clinton will campaign in North Carolina with first lady Michelle Obama on Thursday.

“There are only 13 days left in this important election,” Clinton said Wednesday. “We can’t take our foot of the gas, even for a short time. Every vote counts.”

Trump’s commitment to the Constitution has been questioned before.

In a particularly powerful moment at the Democratic National Convention, Khizr Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, 27, died from a suicide bombing in Baghdad 12 years ago, pulled a pocket-sized Constitution from his suit jacket and held it in the air.

“Donald Trump, you’re asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution?” he said. “I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words, look for the words, liberty and equal protection (under) law.”

Khan’s speech turned the immigration lawyer into a powerful Clinton surrogate and caused Trump to get into a back and forth with Khan and his wife.

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