CNN Poll of Polls: Clinton lead holds steady

Hillary Clinton’s lead in the national horserace has held steady despite some flashes of tightening in state polls over the last week, according to CNN’s most recent Poll of Polls.

The average of the five most recent national surveys shows Clinton with 47% support and Donald Trump at 41%. Libertarian Gary Johnson has seen his standing drop since last week by 2 percentage points to 5% and Jill Stein of the Green Party earns 2%.

That’s similar to the margin that Clinton led by in CNN’s Poll of Polls last week, when she led Trump 47% to 39%.

Trump has inched up slightly in some state surveys over the last week, including a 2-point lead in a Florida survey out Wednesday.

Two new national polls released Wednesday provided stark contrasts on the state of the race.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll found Clinton with a 9-point national edge, 47% to 38%. Johnson took home 4%, and Stein 2%. That survey, fielded from October 20 to October 24, polled 1,000 likely voters with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

But a Fox News poll released Wednesday evening found Clinton only 3 points ahead nationally, 44% to 41%, with Johnson pulling in 7% and 3% for Stein. That poll, which surveyed 1,221 likely voters, had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

The CNN Poll of Polls, which does not have a margin of error, includes the USA Today/Suffolk poll; the ABC News Poll conducted October 21-24; the CNN/ORC poll conducted October 20-23; the Quinnipiac University poll conducted October 17-18; and the Fox News poll conducted October 22-25.

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