House GOP leader: ‘We know that the wind is in our face supporting Donald Trump’

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy offered a blunt assessment of the challenge posed by Donald Trump to down-ballot Republicans in 2016.

“We know that the wind is in our face supporting Donald Trump, supporting our members of Congress — we’re in a fight,” the California Republican told “Fox and Friends” Tuesday.

McCarthy, who represents California’s 23rd district, also firmly stated his support for the Republican presidential nominee.

“I believe we have to change this country. We are going to keep this House. We need to elect Donald Trump president,” he said.

The GOP leader framed the election as a stark choice, urging recalcitrant Republicans to consider stakes like the Supreme Court and foreign policy.

“What do we want to change this country? Do we want status quo? And the only choice is, are you for Hillary? Are you for Donald?” he argued. “I’m concerned about the Supreme Court. I’m concerned about the actions of foreign policy, of where America currently stands, based up on the former Secretary of State. So it’s no doubt where we stand and what we’re fighting for.”

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