Arizona poll: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton running close

A new Monmouth University poll shows Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton separated by 1 point — a statistical tie — in the critical swing state of Arizona.

According to the survey released Tuesday, Trump has 46% support in the state, with Clinton right behind him at 45%, well within the poll’s 4.9-percentage-point margin of error. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson polled at 4% and Green Party candidate Jill Stein garnered 1% support.

The poll comes nearly a week after an Arizona State University poll showed Clinton up by 5 points in Arizona.

Democrats are investing $2 million in ad buys and direct mail in the traditionally right-leaning state and sending their top surrogates on Clinton’s behalf. Just last week, Bernie Sanders, Chelsea Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama made campaign stops in the state, urging voters to choose Clinton and Democrats on the ballot.

However, registration numbers show the GOP has a 161,000-voter edge over Democrats.

The Monmouth poll also shows Republicans leading in the state’s competitive senate race between Sen. John McCain and Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick. McCain holds a 10-point lead over Kirkpatrick with 50% support with Kirkpatrick trailing at 40%. McCain, who recently said he would not vote for Donald Trump in the general election, has the support of 79% of Trump supporters and 19% of Clinton supporters in the state.

The Monmouth survey was conducted October 21-24 among 401 likely voters in Arizona and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 4.9 percentage points.

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