Van Jones: Donald Trump has gone from ‘Trumpzilla to Trumpty Dumpty’

CNN Democratic political contributor Van Jones had a colorful way of describing Donald Trump’s evolution on the 2016 campaign trail Monday.

“Donald Trump has gone from Trumpzilla, to Trumpty Dumpty,” Jones told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

Jones said the Republican Party’s presidential nominee gave a good speech Saturday in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, until he said he would sue the women accusing him of sexual harassment.

Jones described that as Trump throwing himself down the stairs. He told Trump supporter and fellow “New Day” panelist Jeffrey Lord that the candidate’s missteps continue to snowball because he made himself the issue from the very beginning.

As both candidates make their final arguments, Jones said, all Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton needs to do is continue to make the point that Trump is not fit for the presidency, and let the rest unfold.

“Luckily, she does have really, really good policies and really good ideas,” he added. “But, frankly, nobody’s listening to that anymore.”

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