The GOP is crowdsourcing Trump cabinet suggestions

The GOP is crowdsourcing suggestions for Donald Trump’s cabinet.

The Republican Party emailed a “President Trump Administration Survey” to its supporters on Wednesday. A 10-question survey hosted on the official GOP website prompts people to nominate individuals for cabinet positions, including Secretary of State and Attorney General.

After submitting suggestions, participants are directed to a donation page for the Republican presidential nominee — a fundraising technique that some may argue could be the survey’s actual purpose.

Trump previously sent a crowdsourcing survey asking for supporter advice ahead of the second debate. It pointed respondents to a fundraiser page.

The administration survey doesn’t include all 15 executive department cabinet positions. It leaves out a handful of departments, including Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation.

The survey tells people to “please respond only to those positions for which you can name the most qualified candidate.” But many are ignoring the directive and filling in false, humorous or offensive responses.

The move to ask the public to participate in internet surveys often generates unhelpful results — just ask the Natural Environment Research Council whose boat-naming contest gave the world “Boaty McBoatface” earlier this year.

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