Gingrich: Media ‘lynch mob’ over Trump tape

Newt Gingrich said Sunday that the newly released video in which Donald Trump uses vulgar language to describe his aggressive advances towards women is “ugly” and “disgusting.”

But the former House speaker and top supporter of the Republican nominee is more worked up about something else: the media’s handling of the tape.

“This is as close to a media-created coup de tête” as it gets, Gingrich told CNN on Sunday. “This is almost equivalent of a lynch mob. You have all these people running amok.”

Gingrich, who was traveling overseas when the Trump tape first surfaced on Friday, said the media has failed to pay equal attention to the newly unveiled Wikileaks documents appearing to show excerpts of Clinton’s private speeches.

Gingrich said he has been bombarded with questions about Trump’s latest controversy — but little about the Wikileaks dump.

“When I look at all the different notes I’ve gotten today — all of it is about Trump,” he said. “Not a single one says, ‘gee — you think that some of the things that Hillary Clinton said in secret are really bad and make it hard for her to win?’ “

Gingrich also expressed displeasure at Republicans who have called on Trump to leave the presidential race.

“The last few days, I’ve been watching people who are normally adults running around in circles,” he said.

With regards to the second presidential debate Sunday night, Gingrich said there is no one that can help Trump but himself.

“He’s got to get through tonight basically by himself. He has to reach inside and do what he thinks is necessary and be the best version of Donald Trump that he can be,” he said.

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