Campaign manager: Trump and I have ‘fabulous relationship’

Donald Trump’s campaign manager said Tuesday the unpredictable Republican nominee is indeed listening to his team of advisers.

“He will make his own decisions and the campaign will continue in his own words,” Kellyanne Conway told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” “But he takes my counsel, other peoples’ counsel very seriously. We have a fabulous relationship.”

Conway, a veteran Republican pollster, joined Trump’s campaign in July after previously serving as an adviser to a super PAC supporting Ted Cruz’s presidential bid. She said she finds Trump to be a “generous” and “gracious” client and boss.

Trump enters the final month of the race down in the polls and at the center of controversy. After closing the gap with Hillary Clinton last month, Trump has lost ground with the Democratic nominee after a rocky first debate and public dispute with a former beauty pageant contestant.

A new CNN/ORC poll conducted entirely after the debate showed Clinton leading Trump among likely voters nationwide, 47%-42%. Early last month, a CNN survey showed Trump with a two-point lead over Clinton.

When asked Tuesday if she had admonished the candidate over his war of words with Alicia Machado, a past Miss Universe winner whom Trump had mocked for gaining weight, Conway said, “I think Donald Trump is the best when he sticks to the issues because the issue set is what favors him.”

Trump also faces renewed questions about his tax record, after The New York Times obtained records showing that he declared a $916 million loss in 1995, which could have enabled him to avoid paying federal income taxes for 18 years.

On Tuesday, Conway emphasized that Trump has not broken any tax laws. She said Trump was “great” before he suffered that loss, and has been ever since.

“He is the original art of the comeback,” Conway said.

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