Wall Street Journal columnist endorses Hillary Clinton

A Wall Street Journal columnist is joining the ranks of several other high-profile editorial voices Thursday placing their support behind Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton come November.

Dorothy Rabinowitz, a Wall Street Journal editorial board member — representing a traditionally more conservative publication — highlighted in a column Republican nominee Donald Trump’s tendency to adopt rhetoric targeting minority groups and reviving decades-old feuds, such as a rift with Rosie O’Donnell, as a part of his “visceral drive to inflict payback.”

Clinton’s faults, including the FBI’s investigation into her use of a private email server, Rabinowitz said, were not without cause for concern, yet “pale next to the occasion for cringing that would come with a Trump presidency.”

Calling out Trump’s vacillating stance on issues such as immigration and abortion, Rabinowitz, placing him as a foil for his opponent, extolled Clinton as “experienced, forward-looking, indomitably determined and eminently sane.”

As the end of the election draws near, Rabinowitz opined, Americans can place the future of the nation in their own hands by choosing whether or not they will go to the polls, calling out “anti-Hillary brigades” who have decided to stay at home on election day.

“Her election alone is what stands between the American nation and the reign of the most unstable, proudly uninformed, psychologically unfit president ever to enter the White House,” Rabinowitz wrote.

Clinton picking up endorsements

Also on Friday, the San Diego Union Tribune endorsed Clinton, the first time in its 148-year history that it has backed a Democrat for president.

Calling her “the safest candidate,” the Union Tribune said Clinton has the better temperament to be president.

“Terrible leaders can knock nations off course. Venezuela is falling apart because of the obstinance and delusions of Hugo Chávez and his successor. Argentina is finally coming out of the chaos created by Cristina Kirchner and several of her predecessors.

“Trump could be our Chávez, our Kirchner. We cannot take that risk,” the paper wrote.

Other papers that have typically supported Republican presidential candidates in the past have come out in support of the Democratic nominee.

The Arizona Republic, The Cincinnati Enquirer and Dallas Morning News have notably backed Clinton. The New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, as did the Detroit News and the Chicago Tribune.

And on Thursday, the USA Today editorial board for the first time took sides in a presidential race, imploring voters to reject Trump.

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