Trump campaign talking points: Bring up Monica

Donald Trump’s campaign is instructing its supporters to use figures like Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers to beat back concerns about how Trump described a former winner of “Miss Universe,” according to a copy of Wednesday campaign talking points obtained by CNN.

Even though Trump and his children celebrated him for not bringing up the women associated with Bill Clinton’s marital scandals during Monday’s presidential debate, Trump is encouraging his supporters to do just that.

“Mr. Trump has never treated women the way Hillary Clinton and her husband did when they actively worked to destroy Bill Clinton’s accusers,” one talking point reads.

“Hillary Clinton bullied and smeared women like Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky,” reads another.

“Are you blaming Hillary for Bill’s infidelities? No, however, she’s been an active participant in trying to destroy the women who has come forward with a claim,” reads a third.

The talking points also level new allegations about how Clinton supposedly aided her husband’s indiscretions and intimidation of other women.

The rebuttal comes as Clinton’s campaign tries to make hay of comments by Alicia Machado, a former beauty pageant star who says she was disparaged by Trump for gaining weight. Clinton introduced the line of attack in the first presidential debate on Monday.

Trump has said he planned to bring up the Clinton infidelities at the face-off, but backed off.

“I think that took a lot of courage in so many regards,” Eric Trump, the candidate’s son, told an Iowa radio host Wednesday. “I think he really answered that well and took the high ground.”

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