Jeb Bush to lecture at Harvard this fall

Jeb Bush will be a guest lecturer at Harvard University this fall, focusing on education in “a number of multi-day visits” this semester, the John F. Kennedy School of Government announced Tuesday.

The former Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate — who was known for his wonkish love of policy on the campaign trail — will deliver his first lecture on Thursday.

He’ll also co-lecture in a course titled, “The Political Economy of the School,” and participate in faculty-led student study groups.

After dropping out of the presidential race in February, Bush returned to his position as chairman and president of the board of directors at an organization he started called the Foundation for Excellence in Education.

Bush — a staunch advocate for charter schools, voucher programs and higher education standards — attempted to make education a defining hallmark of his presidential campaign.

Though out of politics, the former governor has occasionally weighed in on the general election race, expressing his opposition to both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

He also popped back in the headlines when he made a cameo appearance in the opening segment of the Emmys earlier this month.

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