Giuliani: Clinton ‘too stupid to be president’

Rudy Giuliani blasted Hillary Clinton as “too stupid to be president” because she stayed with her husband after the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

“She didn’t just stand by him — she attacked Monica Lewinsky, and after being married to Bill Clinton for 20 years, if you didn’t know the moment Monica Lewinsky said Bill Clinton violated her and was telling the truth — then you’re too stupid to be president,” the former New York City mayor and prominent Donald Trump surrogate told Elite Daily shortly after Monday night’s debate.

Trump told CNN’s Dana Bash shortly after the debate concluded that he was “very happy that I was able to hold back on the — you know, on the indiscretions with respect to Bill Clinton, because I have a lot of respect for Chelsea Clinton and I just didn’t want to say what I was going to say.”

Giuliani said the GOP nominee’s biggest mistake during the debate was being “too reserved and too gentlemanly.”

Had he been debating, Giuliani said, he would have “talked about what she did to Monica Lewinsky, what that woman standing there did to Monica Lewinsky.”

The Lewinsky scandal resulted in Bill Clinton being impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, though he was ultimately acquitted in the Senate. When news of the scandal first broke in 1998, Clinton led the White House’s behind-the-scenes damage-control efforts and appeared on several news programs to defend her husband, blaming the allegations on a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that she said was part of a political effort to bring down the president.

Giuliani, however, accused Clinton of “trying to paint her as an insane young woman.” He did not offer any proof in his interview and a message left with the Clinton campaign seeking response was not immediately returned.

Giuliani and Trump have both been married three times and engaged in extramarital relationships that have led to past divorces.

But asked about Trump’s hint that he could bring up Bill Clinton’s infidelity at an upcoming debate, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” Tuesday that the former first lady was “ready for anything.”

“This is — it’s such an obvious dodge. He spiraled out at the end of the debate and so, of course, he wants to bully. He wants to talk about the supposed indiscretions,” Mook said.

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