Trump, who says he does not exercise, offering ‘Make America Great Again’ sweatbands

Even though Donald Trump has said he does not exercise, his supporters can still break a sweat in campaign style.

The Republican presidential nominee’s campaign is offering a “Make America Great Again” sweatband in exchange for a campaign donation. This comes just a week after Trump told Dr. Mehmet Oz he doesn’t actually exercise, and ultimately wants to lose 15 pounds.

The Trump campaign sent out an email Wednesday morning, encouraging supporters to “stay healthy with Trump” in light of last week’s medical record release.

“We need a president in good health, and the results of Donald Trump’s latest physical show he is ready to lead,” the email reads.

A link allows supporters to “commit to be healthy too” by ordering their official sweatband, which starts at $12.

Trump’s also known for having fast food delivered to his plane after events, tweeting out a picture of him last month eating KFC on his plane (with silverware).

But despite the lack of exercise and high consumption of fast food, Trump’s doctor has said in the past that if elected, Trump would be “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”

The Trump campaign declined to comment on whether the Republican nominee planned to wear the sweatband on the trail, just as he’s done with his “Make America Great Again” hat.

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