Pence set to attend first presidential debate

Mike Pence will attend Monday’s presidential debate, an adviser to the vice presidential candidate told CNN.

The Indiana governor’s running mate, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, will face Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at Hofstra University in New York in the first of their three face-offs.

It’s unusual for a VP hopeful to attend a presidential debate. Since presidential debates resumed in 1976, running mates have generally watched their top-of-the-ticket partners from a distance, such as at campaign headquarters or via television surrounded by friends, family and supporters.

The adviser said the decision wasn’t so much a strategy move, as Pence “likes to be there for Mr. Trump in big moments.”

This adviser was not sure if the Indiana governor would attend the “spin room,” where candidates and their campaigns address the media, after the debate.

Pence links up with his running mate weekly for key policy speeches and appearances. Pence introduced Trump during two events on Wednesday in the battleground state of Ohio.

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