Campaign manager: Clinton preparing to fact-check Trump during debate

Hillary Clinton expects to spend much of the upcoming presidential debate correcting Donald Trump, her campaign manger said Wednesday.

“I think what’s concerning overall about Donald Trump is that, first of all, he doesn’t often tell the truth,” Robby Mook told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.” “So she’s going to have to spend some time probably correcting the record and making sure voters understand the facts.”

The Democratic candidate is visiting only two battleground states this week and took off Tuesday to prepare for Monday’s debate at Hofstra University.

“She wants to make sure that when she gets to that debate that she will clearly lay out the plans that she has developed to make a difference in people’s lives,” Mook said. “And all we’re asking is that Donald Trump do the same thing.”

“I would hope that he goes to the drawing board and puts together some plans,” he added. “As of right now, we haven’t seen real specifics. And we haven’t seen serious plans.”

Mook said the campaign has noticed that Trump is someone who is easily offended.

“This is someone who can be triggered very quickly. He can get set off by a tweet,” he said. “That is why I would argue he’s unfit and unprepared to have our nuclear codes and lead our men and women in uniform as commander in chief.”

“You never know what’s going to set him off and she’s going to be prepared for whatever comes,” he added.

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