Bernie Sanders working on young adult book

Bernie Sanders has been a mayor, a congressman, a senator and an almost-upset presidential nominee. Soon he’ll add “young adult nonfiction author” to that resume.

Sanders’ next book, “Our Revolution,” is being adapted for teenagers and being pitched to booksellers as a high school graduation gift.

The young adult version of the book, which is not yet titled, will come out in April 2017, according to the publisher, Henry Holt Books for Young Readers. The publisher shared details about the book project with CNNMoney on Wednesday.

Policy-oriented books are de rigueur for politicians. But they’re usually written for adult readers and read only by devoted supporters and policy wonks.

Sanders is doing something unusual by targeting the teenage market. The book will be written for 12- to 18-year-olds. The list price will be $17, $10 less than the edition for adults.

Sanders’ interest in reaching young readers is in line with his recent bid for president, which tapped into a deep well of support from young voters.

Since conceding the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton, and endorsing her in the presidential race, he has spoken at length about the importance of motivating young people to care about the electoral process.

He recently told The Nation that Democrats have got to open the door to young people.”

The party needs to “[w]elcome them in and understand that it will be messy, that many young people are not professional politicians,” he said. “The Democratic Party is going to have to adjust itself to their reality, rather than force young people to be adjusted to the Democratic leadership’s reality.”

Sanders is currently wrapping up “Our Revolution,” which will come out on November 15, one week after Election Day.

It is being published by Thomas Dunne Books. Both that imprint and Henry Holt are owned by Macmillan.

The young adult edition will follow five months later. Henry Holt describes it as “an inspiring teen guide to engaging with and shaping the world — a perfect gift and important read.”

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