Obama leads summit to aid refugees

President Barack Obama is convening a Leaders’ Summit on Refugees in New York Tuesday, making an impassioned plea for countries to do more to help the tens of millions of displaced people around the globe.

It’s an issue that’s captured the world’s attention more in the past two years than at perhaps any time since World War II, seared into the public’s consciousness by photos like that of a 3-year-old Syrian boy who drowned in the Mediterranean and the flood of migrants into Europe.

A recent study by from the UN’s refugee agency estimated 65.3 million people were displaced from their homes by conflict or persecution in 2015, up by over five million from the prior year. Many are internally displaced within the borders of their own countries, but about 21.3 million are classified as refugees.

Obama’s summit follows a similar UN-led meeting on the issue Monday, which drew attention to the crisis but offered little in the way of binding commitments.

“Make no mistake,” US Secretary of State John Kerry said at the UN meeting, “additional efforts are urgently needed.”

Leaders also called for a more orderly and equitable system to manage refugee flows — acknowledging the burden is shouldered disproportionally by certain regions.

“You have to know that today the European Union has a clear objective to restore order on its external borders,” European Council President Donald Tusk said in his remarks, signaling a growing sense that patience in Europe with the migrant flow is wearing thin.

“There will be no repeat of the year 2015 with more than one and a half million irregular migrants,” he added.

The Obama administration is hopeful the Leader’s Summit on Tuesday afternoon can build momentum for more action.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice in June announced that the gathering — co-hosted along with the US by Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico, Sweden and the UN Secretary General — would seek an increase in funding of at least 30%, a doubling of permanent resettlement, and expanded access to education and work rights for refugees.

“Reaching these ambitious objectives will be challenging, yet the level of need demands no less,” Rice said in a statement.

But aid groups are skeptical the summit will prompt the kind of action they say is desperately needed.

“We have to be optimistic that we’ll see some real concrete commitments,” said Amnesty International’s Interim Executive Director Margaret Huang. “But the truth is, even if those numbers are hit, it’s nowhere near what’s actually needed.”

The US is a major contributor of humanitarian aid for countries that host large numbers of refugees — particularly Syria’s neighbors — and plans to increase the number of refugees it will take in to America from 85,000 in 2016 to 110,000 next year.

The President’s chief spokesman last week conceded that even as the administration calls for greater global action, it is limited in what it can do.

“The President’s commitment to ensuring that the United States plays a leading role on this issue is not shared by a lot of people in Congress, including by a lot of people in the Republican majority in Congress,” Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. “And that has an impact in terms of the resources that are dedicated to this effort.”

Vetting efforts to screen refugees, he noted, “are not cheap.”

David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee and a former British Foreign Secretary, said he’s hopeful but waiting to see whether any agreements are backed up with action.

“The scale of the global refugee problem demands an appropriate scale of response,” Miliband told CNN. “Governments around the world haven’t, in the main, been responding with the right degree of compassion or competence up to now.”

As they await action from world leaders in New York, a group of volunteers in London laid out a “life jacket graveyard” to draw attention to the plight of thousands of migrants who’ve lost their lives attempting hazardous boat crossings in the Mediterranean.

The conflict in Syria and resulting migrant crisis in the Middle East and Europe have dominated headlines over the past 18 months, but refugees are a global problem.

Perhaps nowhere are they more prevalent than in the so-called “global south” — the developing countries of the southern hemisphere. Last week, South Sudan joined the ranks of Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia — countries with over 1 million of their citizens living as refugees abroad.

And protracted conflict in places like Somalia have led to a generation of lifelong refugees — men and women in their twenties who’ve never known life outside of a camp.

“These are not people who can envision what life would be like if they were returned to their home countries,” Huang said.

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