Harry Reid: Donald Trump is a ‘flim-flammer,’ ‘scammer’

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday that Donald Trump is a failed businessman whose dealings would harm Americans, his latest diatribe against the Republican presidential nominee.

“The last thing the American people want or need is a president who will run another financial scam on each of them,” the Nevada Democrat said from the Senate floor. “If elected, Donald Trump would be the scammer in chief. Trump is a fraud.”

“He’s always looking for a mark, some victim for one of his schemes,” Reid added. “And now our country is Trump’s next target. He wants this to be his biggest payoff ever.”

Reid’s speech focused what he sees as lies about Trump’s money and said the real estate mogul is only wealthy because he was born with “a silver spoon.” Trump’s father was a wealthy real estate magnate who loaned his son money to jumpstart his career.

“Litigation is nothing new to Donald Trump. Over the last decade and a half, Trump and his companies and have been sued in federal court 72 times. That doesn’t take into consideration the many times he’s been sued in state courts,” Reid said. “But Trump being the flim-flammer he is just moves on to another scam.”

The Trump campaign did not return CNN’s request for comment.

Reid also tweeted Tuesday that the businessman won’t release his tax returns because he is “a bad businessman” that the Republicans need to investigate for “scamming charities, the IRS and the American people.”

“Trump is faking his net worth. He’s not as rich as he would have us believe + a bad businessman. That’s why we can’t see his tax returns,” he tweeted Tuesday.

The Nevada Democrat, who is supporting Hillary Clinton, has repeatedly attacked Trump this campaign. Following Clinton’s pneumonia diagnosis earlier this month, Reid attacked Trump’s health.

“Take a look at this character that’s running for president. He complains about her health. What does he do? He’s 70 years old. He’s not slim and trim. He brags about eating fast food every day. Look at his health a little bit,” Reid said last week.

And on Thursday, Reid tore into Trump on the Senate floor, calling the Republican presidential nominee a “spoiled brat,” “a con artist” and a “human leech who will bleed the country.”

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