Warren: Trump has ‘dark and ugly soul’

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren tore into Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on the campaign trail Saturday for lying about President Barack Obama’s citizenship and hinting at violence against his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Speaking to Clinton supporters at Ohio State University, Warren continued her ongoing feud with Trump by criticizing his admission Friday — after five years of falsehoods — that Obama was born in the US.

“Only when his handlers tied him down and forced him did he grudgingly admit that the man was born in the United States,” Warren said. “What kind of a man does that? A man with a dark and ugly soul.”

Later Friday, Trump, at a campaign event in Miami, cited Clinton’s push for greater gun control to suggest the Democrat’s Secret Service detail should disarm.

“Let’s see what happens to her,” Trump said. “Take their guns away, OK? It’ll be very dangerous.”

That was the second time in as many months when he appeared to urge violence against Clinton. In August, Trump appeared to suggest that “Second Amendment people” could do something about Clinton if she became president and nominated judges who favored gun restrictions. The Trump campaign later said he only meant to increase political engagement, not incite violence.

Warren disagreed.

“Trump has repeatedly invited his supporters to commit a horrific act of violence against his opponent, against another human being,” Warren said. “What kind of a man does that? A bully. A twisted bully who can’t fight his own fights.”

Warren has been an attack dog of sorts for Clinton ever since she clinched the Democratic nomination, and the real estate mogul has hit back. Trump goes so far as to refer to Warren as “Pocahontas,” a reference to her claims of Native American heritage.

Warren was but one of many Clinton surrogates hitting the trail in support of her this week. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who, like Warren, appeals to younger and more liberal voters, made two appearances in Ohio on Saturday.

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