Bill Murray bartending in Brooklyn this weekend — but you probably can’t go

Bill Murray, the actor whose frequent acts of spontaneity have earned him a loyal cult of followers, has selected his next random act of Murray-ness.

This weekend, Murray will post himself behind the bar at his son’s Brooklyn restaurant and serve up drinks to patrons.

Murray’s son Homer Murray told Eater his famous father will be bartending in celebration of the opening of his dining spot, 21 Greenpoint.

“What my dad lacks in experience, he makes up for in tequila,” he told the publication.

Murray will reportedly be on hand Friday and Saturday night, but entrance is by invite-only.

This is, of course, not the first time the actor has helped keep the booze flowing. He famously poured drinks at a bar during SXSW in 2010. He only served tequila.

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