Clinton super PAC hauls in $21M in record-setting August

Hillary Clinton’s super PAC almost raised more money in August than all of Donald Trump’s super PACs have combined during the entire 2016 campaign, collecting more than $20 million in what the group called their most successful month so far.

Priorities USA raised $21.6 million from wealthy Democrats, according to spokesman Justin Barasky, more than twice what it raised during the prior month. The organization had $41.5 million on hand as of August 31, money it is pouring into swing states to finance what has so far been a relentless paid media campaign against Trump, though his poll numbers remain competitive.

The group, now led by Clinton loyalists, struggled at the beginning of the campaign to install donor confidence, but has over the course of the race raised more than $130 million from Democratic donors. The group claims another $29 million in commitments.

The names of their latest donors will not be disclosed until later this month, but several perennial Democratic heavyweights — from Haim Saban to Donald Sussman — have cut the group checks in recent months.

Trump’s several super PACs, on the other hand, have largely sputtered, with none managing to convince donors that they are the premier place to park their cash. The most successful group, Rebuilding America Now, has raised more than $13 million but has had trouble in recent months convincing major GOP donors to invest in Trump.

That discrepancy has led to an unprecedented advertising advantage for Clinton forces, who spent much of the summer blasting Trump on the airwaves with little reciprocation from the Republican nominee.

“Hillary Clinton and her super PACs have spent over $130 million on negative political ads,” Trump’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin, said in a statement earlier Thursday. “And yet we are virtually tied (or better) in the most recent national polls and leading in many of the important swing states.”

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