Chelsea Clinton cites climate change as reason to vote for her mother

Chelsea Clinton cited climate change in speaking to reporters Thursday on why voters should consider her mother, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Asked what she would say to an undecided voter who has voted for Democrats in the past, Clinton noted that “voting is so personal.”

“I would just say to the man you interviewed, or anyone, what is really important to you? Is climate change important to you? I would hope you would support my mom. She’s the only person running for president who recognizes climate change is real, who has a plan to address it, and also realizes it’s a real opportunity to create jobs in our country,” Clinton said.

Another reporter asked Clinton about how she and her family are planning to spend the 15th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks this weekend.

“I haven’t talked to my mother about how she plans to observe the day,” Clinton said. “I know my husband and I will be home … so certainly we’ll be particularly grateful when I look down at my children that we are safer now. I recognize that we still have tremendous work to do.”

Chelsea Clinton, who has primarily been on the fundraising circuit since having her second child in June, was not asked during the five-minute session about her mother’s performance in Wednesday’s “Commander in Chief” forum, Donald Trump or her mother’s email controversy.

Going forward, the Clinton campaign sees Chelsea’s role as someone who can help raise money and turn out millennial voters. She is also seen as the best character witness her mother has.

On that point, Clinton said she trusts her mother more than anyone.

“I don’t trust anyone more than my mom,” she said. “If anything were to happen to me, my mother would take care of my children. I couldn’t imagine a better sign of faith or trust than that.”

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