Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton set up email server with ‘premedication’

Donald Trump intended to say Wednesday that Hillary Clinton’s use of an email server during her tenure at the State Department was an act of “premeditation.”

But when he flubbed the line and instead suggested it was due to “premedication,” he embraced that possibility as well.

“Hillary Clinton created an illegal private email server — deliberately, willfully and with total premedication — premeditation,” Trump said, correcting himself. He then added: “Could be the first way was right actually.”

“You know, I might like the first way better. ‘Premedication,’ that’s a very — premedication, I think I like it. Wow,” Trump continued as the crowd cheered him on.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to an email requesting clarification on Trump’s remarks.

The real estate mogul and his supporters have recently called the Democratic nominee’s health into question in an effort to undermine her candidacy.

After Clinton said earlier this month that she “short-circuited” answers about the email controversy, Trump quipped at a New Hampshire rally, “She took a short-circuit in the brain. She’s got problems.”

“Honestly, I don’t think she’s all there,” he added.

Meanwhile, “healthers” are using junk science and conspiracy theories to argue that Clinton is suffering from a series of debilitating brain injuries.

Former New York City mayor and Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani accused the mainstream media over the weekend of hiding evidence, then encouraged doubters to “go online and put down ‘Hillary Clinton illness.'”

Trump’s remarks suggesting “premedication” on Clinton’s part also come as he continued to accuse her of engaging in corruption during her time as secretary of state, prompting his supporters to cry out with the staple chant of “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Trump once again read from teleprompters Wednesday, which he’s done at every rally since early last week.

Trump was introduced by Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, who argued that Clinton “committed numerous, numerous serious federal felonies” and that recent emails suggesting favors traded between the Clinton Foundation and Clinton’s State Department amounted to a scandal potentially “bigger than Watergate.”

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