Doh! Angry man cuts neighbor’s tree, then it crashes into his apartment

Oh, karma. You always seem to show up at just the right time.

Like last weekend in Pittston, Pennsylvania, when a guy decided he was tired of sap from a neighbor’s tree dripping on his car. So did he go to his neighbor and have a little chat about it? Nope. He grabbed a chainsaw and cut it down — and then watched it fall on his own apartment building.


Raymond Mazzarella obviously didn’t think this thing through, Terry Best, a Pittston Township code enforcement officer, told CNN affiliate WNEP.

“He decided it was the best thing to do, to get rid of the tree,” Best said. “Where he thought it was going to go, I don’t know.”

The weight from the tree shifted the foundation of the apartment building, causing it to be condemned and putting the building’s five other residents out on the street.

But that’s not all

But even that’s not the end of Mazzarella’s problems. He briefly was hospitalized after his little tree-cutting stunt. After he was released, he returned to the apartment building. A neighbor called police, then confronted him. Police said Mazzarella punched him out, and when the neighbor pulled out a stun gun to defend himself, Mazzarella hit him with a baseball bat.

So now Mazzarella, charged with assault and harassment, has a new, albeit probably temporary, home — county jail.

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