Campaign manager: Trump’s donation to Clinton Foundation not ‘pay to play’

Donald Trump gave more than $100,000 to the the Clinton Foundation, the organization the Republican nominee now calls “the most corrupt enterprise in political history.”

And while he said donors gave to get unfair access to the former Secretary of State, his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway denies that that was what Trump was seeking.

“Was your candidate donating that money so that he could have access to Hillary Clinton whenever he wanted,” CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Tuesday.

“No, it seems like he had access to her anytime he wanted. She went to his wedding,” she said, adding, “No, he was not paying to play.”

Trump has recently upped his attacks on Clinton and her family’s namesake foundation saying that foreign governments and business leaders gave primarily to get something in return.

“It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins,” Trump said Tuesday night at a rally in Austin, Texas. “The specific crimes committed to carry out that enterprise are too numerous to cover in this speech.”

Trump’s name is listed on the Clinton Foundation’s website as having given between $100,001 and $250,000.

“As part of the Foundation’s commitment to transparency, we publicly disclose those who support our efforts on a quarterly basis,” the website said. “This list is comprised of those who have made contributions or grants to advance the work of any part of the Clinton Foundation, as well as membership, sponsorship, and conference fees for the Clinton Global Initiative.”

Conway said Trump gave because he believed the foundation did good work.

“The Clinton Foundation does a lot of good work and I also want to say that for the record that they do,” she said.

“They do good work. And let’s hope that that money went to good use,” she added.

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