George P. Bush visits Israel

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush returned Saturday from an unannounced visit to Israel.

Bush, the oldest son of Jeb Bush, broke with his father early this month to endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump. The former Florida governor has pointedly refused to back his party’s nominee after the bruising primary fight he lost to Trump. The Manhattan tycoon frequently attacked Bush throughout the nominating contest, casting him as “low energy” and repeatedly calling the ex-governor an “embarrassment to his family.”

George P. Bush brushed aside these insults to his father to back his party’s nominee, but admitted endorsing Trump was a “bitter pill to swallow” for his family.

Bush’s Israel trip could bolster his foreign policy credentials as he seeks to build a stronger backing in the Republican Party that so decisively rejected his father. The 40-year-old lawyer and father of two was elected Texas land commissioner in 2014 and has been mentioned as a candidate for higher office in the coming years.

American politicians routinely visit Israel. The George P. Bush’s visit has special resonance due to his family’s political history. Bush’s uncle, former President George W. Bush, cast himself as a staunch ally of Israel during his two terms. Jeb Bush also talked up his support for the country, during his unsuccessful GOP primary bid.

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