Clearfield United Way Offers Tips to Save in Back-to-school Season

CLEARFIELD – August means back-to-school and the National Retail Federation (NRF) predicts spending in the United States will rise to $75.8 billion, up 11.5 percent, from $68 billion in 2015.

“The back-to-school season can also mean an increase in illnesses with an increased exposure to germs. This time of year can be expensive, but there are ways to find savings on all of your family’s health needs,” says Nancy Pinto of the Clearfield United Way in a press release.

Pinto offered the tips listed below.

With FamilyWize, Pinto says, “You’ll get the lowest price on your prescriptions, so don’t miss out on the savings, an average of 43 percent. The Web site is full of great information; there is a drugstore look-up and a prescription look-up.”

According to Pinto, the Clearfield Area United Way has the reusable cards and will gladly provide them to you. The card is good nationwide at 60,000 pharmacies, and you just have to call the CAUW at 814-765-6521. To date, area residents have saved $39,253 using this program.

According to Consumer Reports, she says you can save up to 40 percent by purchasing eyewear online. “Don’t forget the dental appointment,” Pinto adds. “If you don’t have dental insurance, there are a few ways to save.

“You can visit a free or low-cost provider (listings available through the American Dental Association) or check out dental schools, another low-cost option.

“[Have a] happy School year!”


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