Poll: Latinos find Clinton more trustworthy than Trump

Latino voters find Hillary Clinton to be more trustworthy than Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

In the Fox News Latino poll released Monday, 78% of Latino voters believe that the Republican nominee is not honest or trustworthy, as opposed to Clinton, whom 51% of Latino voters believe is not honest or trustworthy.

In a Fox News poll released earlier this month, 61% of registered voters believe Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 62% believe the same about Trump.

And in a Washington Post/ABC News poll released last week, 59% of registered voters surveyed believe that Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, with 62% believing Trump is not trustworthy.

Additionally in the Fox News Latino poll, 69% of Latino voters believe the country’s current immigration system is “mostly broken,” while 26% believe it’s “mostly working.”

And 88% of Latino voters surveyed in the poll favor setting up a system for undocumented immigrants who currently work in the United States to become legal residents.

The Fox News Latino poll was conducted by phone with bilingual interviewers August 7-10, among a sample of 803 Latino registered voters. Among those interviewed in the survey, 60% identify as Democrats while 21% identify as Republican.

Latinos tend to vote more Democratic than the population as a whole. According to the Pew Research Center, in the 2014 midterm elections, 62% of Latinos voted for Democrats in congressional races.

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