Meet the woman tapped to help save Trump’s campaign

Donald Trump shook up his campaign for the second time this summer, appointing pollster Kellyanne Conway as his new campaign manager on Wednesday.

Conway, 49, has been a staple as a conservative commentator on television this campaign season, first supporting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz before advising the Trump campaign.

She founded the polling company/WomanTrend in 1995, and serves as the company’s president. The firms lists as clients a who’s who of the conservative and tea party world, including Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

The firm also works for FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, The Heritage Foundation, National Rifle Association, Family Research Council, Newt Gingrich’s former presidential campaign, Iowa Rep. Steve King and former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Her company also lists non-political clients, including media outlets and tech companies.

Ted Cruz super PAC

In addition to her polling work, Conway was the president of Keep the Promise I, one of a constellation of super PACs that supported Cruz’s presidential campaign.

She also made the maximum allowable personal donation– $5,400 — to Cruz last fall.

Keep the Promise 1 released two ads attacking Trump during the primaries in January, one hitting him on “Trumpcare” and his health care plans and another using old footage of him declaring himself to be very pro-abortion rights.

It was also through Keep the Promise that she worked with megadonor Robert Mercer, a hedge fund chief who donated $11 million to fund Keep the Promise 1.

Mercer has now switched his allegiance to Trump. His daughter, Rebekah, expressed frustration to Trump over the weekend at a fundraiser about the direction of his campaign and him being restricted by advisers, sources told CNN. Trump’s own increasing frustration led to his recruitment of Conway, the sources said.

Conway is well-connected in ideologically right conservative circles, and has ties to the Koch brothers’ influential donor network. The Kochs, however, have refused to support Trump.

Her husband is George T. Conway III and the couple has four children. Conway’s company is based in Washington, D.C., and New York City.

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