DuBois Officials Update Sandy Twp. on Plans for Wastewater Treatment Facility

DUBOIS – DuBois City officials updated Sandy Township regarding plans for the city’s wastewater treatment facility at this week’s regular supervisors’ meeting.

It was noted that the facility requires updates in order to meet filtration requirements for copper.

DuBois City was represented by City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio, City Engineer Chris Nasuti and Thomas Holleran of Herbit, Rowland & Grubic.

HRG was approached by city officials to conduct a feasibility study on having the plant upgraded to handle current treatment standards.

It was noted that copper limits for putting water back into the Sandy Lick Creek water system are stricter than for that of drinking water.

According to Holleran, this is due to humans having a higher copper tolerance than some creek life. The source of the copper is from pipes that the community uses, he said.

“Not as bad as Flint, Mich., but an analogous situation,” said Holleran. He said plans for the updates will also look into inflow and infiltration into the sewage system.

The current stage for the treatment plant upgrade is submitting a grant to Act 13 Marcellus Legacy Fund.  Work won’t begin until the funds are available, according to Holleran.

“I don’t believe the township would be asked to support the plan financially,” he said. He added that it was the city’s plan and it would need to come up with funding.

In other business, the Sept. 5 supervisors’ meeting was rescheduled for 3:30 p.m.

Also, there was an executive session after the public meetings for legal purposes.

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