92-year-old man sweetly serenades 90-year-old wife

Even after 50 years of marriage, Harvey Wosika is still pretty smooth.

Just check out what he did at the 50th anniversary party for him and his wife Mildred, held in their hometown of Newkirk, Oklahoma.

Harvey got down on one knee, held Mildred’s hands and sang Bing Croby’s “Let Me Call You Sweetheart,” complete with his own lyrics.

Now that’s a guy who knows what he’s doing in the romance department.

He even had his daughter record it all on his cell phone, granddaughter Lisa Epperly told CNN affiliate WXIN.

Epperly said everyone cried and her grandmother exclaimed “He is just full of surprises!”

Harvey, 92, and Mildred, 90, have 11 kids, 35 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

Epperly said her grandmother’s secret to a long, happy marriage is love and understanding. Her grandfather’s? Always being able to say “yes, honey.”

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