5 things for Wednesday, August 10: Donald Trump. Baltimore. Olympics

A loaded quip. A widening gap. A blistering report. It’s Friday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Campaign 2016

At this point everyone’s used to Donald Trump saying shocking (and slightly ambiguous) things, but this feels next level. Yesterday, Trump said at a rally that “Second Amendment people” should deal with Hillary Clinton if she becomes president. Supporters said it was an inartful call to political action; opponents said it was an assassination threat. Clinton had her own gun controversy to deal with, as many wanted to know why the father of the Orlando nightclub shooter was sitting behind her at a rally.

2. Baltimore

The Baltimore police department has routinely violated the constitutional rights of citizens and its relationship with the community is “broken.” That’s according to a blistering new report from the Justice Department. The feds, at Baltimore’s request, monitored the department’s policing methods for more than a year, in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death. The report said Baltimore cops used excessive force against kids and the mentally disabled, and stopped, searched and arrested African Americans disproportionately.

3. Wealth gap

So when will the wealth gap between blacks and whites in America close? Probably not for another 228 years, says a new report. The primary reason for the gap — $656,000 in household wealth for white families compared to just $85,000 for blacks — is homeownership, since homes owned by blacks tend to appreciate less in value than homes owned by whites.

4. Climate change

Talk about baked Alaska: The state’s on pace for its hottest year on record in 2016. Yeah, it’s only been averaging 33.9 F from January to July, but for Alaska that’s a virtual heat wave. That’s 8.1 degrees above the 20th century average. Evidence of this is everywhere: not enough snow for the Iditarod, increased risk of wildfires. Heck, it’s hotter everywhere. Canada, northern Europe, central Europe, parts of Asia — all warmer than usual.

5. Olympics

Team USA cast a golden glow over Rio yesterday. Michael Phelps snagged his 21st gold medal, while the rock star women’s gymnastics team won gold in the team competition. But it wasn’t all good: Serena Williams lost in another Olympic shocker, this time in women’s singles tennis. Here’s what else happened in Rio yesterday and what’s coming up today.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

DiCaprio’s doppelganger

Leonardo DiCaprio is competing in the Olympics! No, not really, but there’s a guy on the U.S. Men’s archery team that’s damn near his twin.

Persistence pays

Get the tissues ready: A dog popped up at the German flight attendant’s hotel every time she was in Buenos Aires. She got the hint and adopted him.

Going green

Monday, the water in one of the Olympic diving pools was blue. Tuesday, it was green. No one knows why, but officials swear it’s safe. If they say so.

Comics wanted

Now “Saturday Night Live” has three spots open, since freshman cast member Jon Rudnitsky won’t be returning next season.

The honeymooner

Just because your new wife loses her passport doesn’t mean you have to skip the honeymoon. Just take her picture with you, like this guy did.


Here’s what’s coming up later

Judgment day

Sentencing is scheduled today in Los Angeles for Lonnie David Franklin Jr., the so-called “Grim Sleeper” convicted in the deaths of 10 women.


The dolphin did it

It’s bad enough we have to watch out for humans trying to snatch our electronics from us; now we gotta worry about dolphins too. Sheesh.

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