The 2016 conventions in GIFs

The last time the Democrats held their national convention in Philadelphia the same year the Republicans held theirs in Cleveland, the year was 1936. It was a different world. There were no GIFs.

Lucky us, this is 2016 and reliving the best moments from the RNC and the DNC on loop is not only possible, but absolutely necessary.

The Democrats got their proceedings kicked off with a flourish.

But Donald Trump showed everyone — repeatedly — that he knows how to make an entrance.

Which Elizabeth Banks, Tuesday night’s DNC emcee, decided to recreate.

Attendees at both events had newsworthy moves. At the RNC, it was the delegates.

At the DNC, it was Demi Lovato and Donna Brazile.

Bernie Sanders cried when his brother, a delegate, voted for him.

On the GOP side, everyone knew what this delegate was thinking when his state went for Trump.

Hillary Clinton doubled down on her glass ceiling metaphor.

Howard Dean recreated the only moment we still remember from his 2004 campaign.

The DNC saw an awkward but well-meaning celebrity rendition of “What the World Needs Now is Love.”

Lance Bass, who we only know because of his singing skills, was not invited.

Bill Clinton told America how he met Chelsea’s mother.

Uncle Joe kissed the public stage goodbye in the most normal, non-creepy way we’ve seen.

Pointing was adopted as the official party gesture of the Democratic Party. It seems so, at least.

Khizr Khan, who son was a Muslim US serviceman slain in Iraq, spoke at the DNC and offered to let Donald Trump borrow his pocket Constitution.

On the last night of the DNC, Katy Perry roared. Per usual.

Hillary Clinton and her vice presidential nominee, Tim Kaine, were the two best friends that anyone could have.

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