Mark Cuban: Trump’s ‘dream scenario’ is to lose election, boost net worth

Mark Cuban is betting Donald Trump will lose the presidential election, but end up with his net worth increased tenfold.

In a series of tweets Thursday, Cuban said there’s a more than 50%a chance that the presidential race will end in Trump’s “dream scenario” — winning the popular vote, but losing in the Electoral College.

“All the glory. None of the work,” Cuban tweeted.

A Trump loss to Hillary Clinton would “increase his networth 10x,” the billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner said.

In follow-up emails to CNNMoney, Cuban wrote that after the loss, “It’s truly the gains he could see. He would immediately turn into a good guy since he would no longer be a threat to the safety of the free world.

“He would be a former candidate who has a winning and compelling story. He may even get sympathy from people. That would be Huuuge for him.”

Trump’s campaign has been controversial, drawing protests at campaign stops that have turned violent at times. But Cuban theorized that an electoral loss would help the Trump name regain value.

“His brand would lose the negativity. He could do anything he wanted in business,” Cuban wrote.

He doubts that Trump’s campaign is built to win a national election. Cuban speculated on Twitter Thursday that Trump doesn’t have the necessary “analytics” and “ground game” to win key districts in swing states. He added that Trump doesn’t have the insight or will to make “face to face contact in precincts [where] he needs votes to tip a state.”

Trump’s campaign did not respond to requests for comment.

The “Shark Tank” host began his most recent lobs at Trump on Stephen Colbert’s “The Late Show” Wednesday night. During a lightning round of one-liners criticizing the candidate, Cuban renewed his jab that Trump has exaggerated the size of his bank account.

“To be a billionaire, you have to have the billion part in your bank account, not just the air,” Cuban said.

Cuban and Trump — both businessmen turned reality show stars who claim to be worth more than $1 billion apiece — have what Cuban has described as a “love-hate relationship.”

Once a Trump supporter, Cuban became an outspoken opponent of the Republican nominee as his campaign began gaining traction.

Cuban told CNNMoney that he still favors Clinton “far more” than Trump.

“She is willing to build bridges between people rather than burn them. She understands the fragility of the global community and has the background to try to build coalitions to fight terrorism and build the global economy,” he said.

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