The Clearfield Baseball Association will be hosting a benefit Homerun Derby contest at Kurtz Field from 1:00-3:00 PM on Wednesday, July 13. The age group divisions are as follows: ages 8-9. ages 10-11, age 12, ages 13-14. (players may not turn 15 before Aug. 1st) Entry fee for the derby is only $5.00 and you may register by calling Coach Lansberry at 814 762 4512 or by email message- The Little league concession stand will be open, and all proceeds from the afternoon’s activities will be donated to the Jefferson-Clearfield County Suicide Prevention Team, in memory of Jeremy Learish.
The homerun derby is being held in conjunction with the annual Potter Baseball Tour visit
on Wednesday, July 13. Other activities that day will include two youth baseball clinics, sponsored by the Shaw Library’s Summer Reading Program.(Children in grades K-2 will participate from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM and those in grades 3-5 will be from 10:30 AM -12:00 PM.)
That evening a good, old fashioned ball game will be played between the Potter Tour team and Clearfield’s VFW team, Jims Sports Center. Pre-game ceremonies will get underway at 5:00 PM at the Lawrence Township Recreation Park with Master of Ceremonies Bob E. Day.
Now in its 7th year, Potter Baseball comes to Clearfield as part of a 26 day tour throughout cities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, and Maryland. The tour stop is being sponsored by the Clearfield Revitalization Corporation, The Joseph and Elizabeth Shaw Public Library, Clearfield Youth Baseball, and the Clearfield Baseball Associaiton.
Youngsters wishing to attend the morning clinics may register with Lisa Coval at the Shaw Library (765-3271). Please remember to bring your baseball glove and bat. And, again, the homerun derby contestants should register with Coach Lansberry at 762 4512 or via email (
The clinics and homerun derby will take place on Kurtz Field at the Clearfield Little league Complex.