Today’s 5 things: Benghazi. Brexit. Olympics

Dissecting an attack. Heading for the exit. Setting up for failure? It’s Tuesday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Benghazi report

The likelihood of an attack in Benghazi was high and Hillary Clinton should have known about it. That’s the gist of part of a long-awaited report on the Benghazi attack that will be released by House Republicans today. Portions of the report (about 200 out of some 800 pages) obtained by CNN also blame bureaucratic blunders and inadequate security. A U.S. ambassador and three others were killed in the 2012 attack on a diplomatic compound. House Democrats put out their own report yesterday, which basically accused the GOP of wasting taxpayer money on a political witch hunt.

2. Brexit

As “regrexit” over the Brexit sinks in with some, the European Union is getting on with the business of how to get the Brits out. David Cameron meets with EU leaders today. He wants the UK to take its time and figure out what a new relationship with the EU would look like before triggering Article 50, the EU clause that lets countries leave the 28-nation bloc. But some EU leaders want Britain out as soon as possible, because they think the prolonged uncertainty is bad for everyone.

3. Supreme Court

The Supremes always save their most dramatic moments for the last week in June, and the start of this week didn’t disappoint. The high court struck down a Texas abortion access law yesterday that critics said pretty much shut down most abortion clinics in the state. The 5-3 decision will probably keep other states from passing such laws and signals that, when it comes to abortion rights, the liberals have a majority, no matter what happens this fall with the presidential election or how Antonin Scalia’s empty seat is filled.

4. Olympics

Is Rio 2016 screwed before it starts? Possibly, says Rio de Janeiro’s acting governor. The games start in six weeks, but $850 million in federal funds needed to beef up security and transportation aren’t in yet. Without them, the games will be “a big failure” Francisco Dornelles said. Add that to the Rio Games’ other problems: Zika, doping scandals, political upheaval, crime. No wonder a growing list of athletes are finding something else to do this summer. Can you blame them?

5. Soccer

First Brexit, now this. England suffered one of the most embarrassing defeats in Euro history yesterday when Iceland — yes, Iceland — knocked it out of Euro 2016. Iceland’s team — led by a part-time dentist and representing an island nation of 330,000 — was just happy to be playing in its first major international tourney. Now it’s in the quarterfinals against France. And just like David Cameron after Brexit, England’s manager Roy Hodgson is headed for the exits.


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