Clearfield School Board Approves Budget with 2-Mill Tax Increase

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield School Board of Directors last night passed the 2016-17 budget, which includes a 2-mill tax increase.

The general fund budget is $39,837,184, the capital fund budget is $1,426,930, the capital projects fund—high school additions and renovations project budget is $332,439, the capital projects fund—Clearfield Elementary building project budget is $5,631 and the cafeteria fund budget is $1,530,955.

The taxes are set as follows: real estate millage at a rate of 94.84, Earned Income Tax at one percent, real estate transfer tax at one percent and Local Services Tax at $5.

The roll call vote has all board members present voting for the budget.  Dr. Michael Spencer was absent from the meeting.

Votes were made to approve the homestead and farmstead exclusion resolution and tax resolution. The board also approved committing a portion of the unreserved/undesignated fund balance to cover future anticipated increased in employer contributions to the state School Employees Retirement System.

During public comment, the board heard from Karen Beish, who works as a substitute in the school district.

She stated she wanted to tell the board some of the good things she has seen in the district, noting teachers who work hard with students and set standards high, resulting in students doing more than they thought possible.

She said she has seen students come to the music rooms prior to school start or during study halls wanting to practice.  Beish also noted there are many things going on that are good for the students that you wouldn’t know about if you weren’t at the school on a daily basis.

She did note that while it is a good thing to keep the students from having too many study halls, it is also a problem if they are being scheduled for electives they don’t like.

Prior to the rest of the meeting, the board held a 45-minute executive session for personnel.  No action was taken afterward.

Under education and personnel, the following coaches were approved: Franklin Hipps, volunteer girls’ soccer; Todd Winters, elementary girls’ basketball; Brent Lykens, varsity assistant wrestling; Myles Caragein, elementary wrestling; Scott Way, eighth grade boys’ basketball; Curtis Campman, seventh grade boys’ basketball; Lewis Duttry, elementary boys’ basketball and audio/visual assistant; Ann Janocko, varsity assistant girls’ basketball; Jayme Ryan, ninth grade girls’ basketball; Lisa Redden, seventh and eighth grade girls’ basketball; Donald Shimmel, assistant athletic director; Steve Switala, dramatics and musical dramatics; Andrew Rothrock, assistant musical dramatics; Sid Lansberry, head baseball; Sandy Bailor, varsity assistant girls’ volleyball; Jenny Peacock, varsity head cheerleading; Kathy Catherman, ninth grade cheerleading; Johnna Sobel, junior high cheerleading; Catherine Greenland, volunteer girls’ golf; and Megan Pallo, varsity assistant cheerleading.

Danielle Knopick was approved as the new math teacher at Step 1 at the Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High school.

The following were approved for the extended school year for summer 2016: teachers Zachary Bash and Kerry Wallace, and substitutes Kimberly Struble and Linda Wingate.

A special education teacher at CES was approved for a leave of absence effective Nov. 16 through Jan. 20 for maternity reasons, using sick days and Family Medical Leave Act.

Seniority transfers include Lane Sherick from grade one to grade two, Courtney Terry from grade three to grade one, Shannon Brady from grade two to grade three and Elizabeth Kitchen from grade one to grade two.

Non-tenured transfers include Abigail Billotte from grade six to grade four, Audrey Thomas from grade one to a grade one position that opened up, Emily Kronenwetter from Kindergarten to elementary special education and Melanie Saxon from grade three to Kindergarten.

Resignations include Audrey Thomas, varsity assistant girls’ volleyball coach; Robert Powell, part-time personal care assistant at CES; Fred Redden, assistant junior-senior high school principal; Kelly Foust, elementary guidance counselor, Brittany Bowers, learning support teacher at CES and Jessica Brice, fifth grade teacher.

Special Education Supervisor Thomas Mooney requested increasing the paraprofessionals that work 4.92 hours per day to 5 hours per day, affecting Tanya Baez, Melody Bell, Dorothy Bowery, Irene Forrest, Amy German, Shannon Hull, Regina Jackson, Janet Kantar, Diane Mills, Holly Olson, Janette Peacock, Jacklyn Earner, Sherry Wills, Janice Wilmer, Marsha Young and an open position.

Kindergarten student orientation teachers will include Kim Atman, Amy Collins, Megan Hoover, Laurel Learish, Mary Jane Pissaro, Melanie Saxon, Kathy Sugarcoats, Johnna Sobel and Mary Stank.

Petty cash officers for the fiscal year are Cindy Mills, Kim Davis, Bev Nickolas and Trina Janocko.  Sam Maney was reappointed as treasurer.

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