Programs Announced at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – Staff members at the Parker Dam State Park have announced the program schedule for June 29-July 4.

Wednesday, June 29

GPS Basics: 

9 a.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

Learn how to use a GPS to confidently get from place to place.  Mark a location, navigate back to the location, project a location… and, learn how geocaching is done.

Thursday, June 30

Archery Basics

6 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

Have you always wanted to learn to shoot a bow and arrow?  Come and learn the basics of archery, along with range rules and safety procedures.   Bows have a 15-25 pound pull; smaller archers may have difficulty.

Friday, July 1

CCC Trail of History 

2 p.m. – CCC Museum 

Hike along the easy terrain of the CCC Trail and learn about a very transformative era of the park.  Length will be about two miles of easy hiking.

Tools of the Early Woodsmen

6:30 p.m. – Campground

Be on the lookout for one of the park’s educators as they travel the campground with the tool wagon!  The wagon will begin at the campground host site and continue around the outer loop of the campground.  Bring your questions along as you check out a variety of lumbering era tools.

Saturday, July 2

Kayak Basics

10 a.m. – behind Beach House 

NOTE: There is a $3 fee for all participants of this program.

Learn all the basics to get you started on the water.  Getting in, getting out, and being safe are import; as is picking the right boat for you.  A limited number of kayaks are available.  Reserve a kayak by stopping in or contacting the Park Office 814-765-0630.

Happy Birthday Sand Cake

2 p.m. – Beach 

Help us create the best sand birthday cake to celebrate Parker Dam State Park’s and DCNR’s birthdays.  All ages needed to create our masterpiece!  Bring shovels, buckets, and other sand tools, if you have them.

Timber Rattlers

3 p.m. – Beach House steps 

Do you know the real truth about these reptiles with such a bad reputation?  Chances are, some of what you think you know isn’t really true.  Learn how they survive in their habitat and why their reputation is so unfounded.

Resource First

8:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater 

Ralph W. Abele’s philosophy helped protect and conserve the Commonwealth’s waterways and aquatic life.  As longest serving Executive Director of the Fish and Boat Commission, Abele is credited with Modernizing the Fish and Boat Code.  Join us as we learn about this early conservation visionary.

Pennsylvania Black Bears

1 p.m. – Beach House steps 

Black bears are remarkable creatures roaming Penn’s Woods.  Their adaptations and survival behavior are incredibly interesting.  Come learn more about these creatures and understand just what makes them so unique.

Tea and Talk 

7 p.m. – Beach House steps 

Bring your own cup to sample some sweet fern/mountain mint tea grown right here in the park.  Talk subjects are always open for discussion and come with some idea of what you want to know, learn, or share.  The Sunday evening tea & talk has been going on for many years – come and be a part of the tradition.

Sparkly Eyes and Fireflies

9 p.m. – Pavilion 4 

Prepare to be dazzled as we take a stroll through the picnic area in search of creatures of the night.  We’ll search for frogs, spiders, fireflies, and whatever else we may come across.  So put aside any fears of the dark you may have and come along.  Please, no flashlights during the program so that participants can use their night vision.

Monday, July 4 – Happy Independence Day!

Sand Castle Contest 

10 a.m. – Beach House 

Bring your sand castle building tools and join us for a “wildlife” sand castle contest!  Participants will create a sand sculpture of an organism that could be found in Parker Lake.  Once finished we will discuss the natural history of each creation.

Annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence

2 p.m. – Beach 

Come listen and understand the sacrifices made by so many, so long ago.  Learn about why this holiday exists for our enjoyment and annual celebration.  If you’ve never heard the words, you owe it to yourself to listen on this day.

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