Penn State Extension to Offer Dining with Diabetes Workshop

MORRISDALE – If you or a family member has Type 2 diabetes you are invited to join an upcoming Dining with Diabetes workshop series sponsored by Penn State Cooperative Extension.

Class participants will learn self-management skills, including medication management, test numbers and what they mean, meal planning, reading food labels and the importance of exercise.

To encourage participants that healthy meals prepared with less fat, sugar and salt can still be tasty, each class includes food demonstrations and samples.

Dining with Diabetes is an approved research project conducted by Penn State University and participation in the research is voluntary.

Classes will meet from 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. at God’s Clear View Ministry, 1946 Pardee Rd., Morrisdale, beginning Thursday, Aug. 4 for four weeks. A three-month follow-up class will be held in October.

The registration fee is $50/$65 for two family members. Register by calling the Clearfield Extension office at 814-765-7878.


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