Trump speech to attack Clinton amid campaign turmoil

Donald Trump will deliver a speech attacking Hillary Clinton’s “failed policies and bad judgment” Wednesday as he looks to move past the coverage of his decision to fire his longtime campaign manager.

The campaign announced Tuesday morning that Trump “will be making a speech regarding the election” and Trump tweeted additional details of the address.

“I will be making a big speech tomorrow to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment of Crooked Hillary Clinton,” Trump tweeted of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Trump had planned to deliver a speech last week focused on the Clintons and the scandals and controversies that have swirled around the them, but he scrapped those plans after the terrorist attack in Orlando.

Instead, Trump gave a national security-focused speech last week in Manchester, New Hampshire, in which he doubled down on and even expanded the reach of his proposed temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the U.S.

But the optics of the speech Wednesday will also be underscored by the disarray plaguing his campaign.

The announcement came just 24 hours after Trump fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, amid internal power struggles.

And the speech will also come amid concerns of lackluster fundraising, less than two days after the campaign’s finance report for the month of May showed it had only raised $3.1 million, a figure dwarfed by Clinton’s campaign’s $42 million haul.

Trump sought to quell those anxieties on Tuesday morning with a new fundraising email to his supporters in which he pledged to match every donation to his campaign in the next 48 hours, “up to $2 million.”

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