Rubio squeamish when pressed on re-election bid

Days before Friday’s filing deadline for the Florida Senate race, Marco Rubio is suggesting he still hasn’t made up his mind about whether to run for re-election.

In an interview with CNN outside his office, Rubio signaled he was still weighing whether to make a decision that could affect the balance of power in the Senate and impact his own future political ambitions.

“I’ll let you know when I’m ready for it,” Rubio said.

Asked if he has made up his mind, he responded, “When I make a decision and I’m ready to announce, I’ll tell you.”

Rubio would not say if would commit to serving a full six-year term if he were to keep his seat. “Well, when I make my decision, if that’s a pertinent question, we’ll answer it. But we’re not ready to announce anything yet.”

Asked if he were struggling with the decision, Rubio said: “When — look, I hope we have a chance to talk about all these things when the time comes to do that. Right now, we’re focused on some other things here regarding our work, OK?”

Republican leaders have been pressuring Rubio to run, saying he’s the only one who can keep the seat in GOP hands. But it would be a tough race and winning is no guarantee.

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