Kim Kardashian slams Senate for not passing gun control legislation

Kim Kardashian on Tuesday slammed the Senate for failing to pass gun control measures following last week’s mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

“The fact that anyone can so easily access guns is so scary & after all of the devastating loss the Senate should have not failed us!!!” the reality TV star tweeted.

After renewed calls for action to curb the availability of firearms from Democratic and some Republican senators last week, all four proposed gun control measures failed to pass the Senate Monday night.

“So sad! The senate voted against background checks being needed to buy guns. So terrorists on fbi’s wanted lists can legally still buy guns,” she tweeted, adding, “Oh & mentally ill people can buy guns without a background check too.”

A measure proposed by Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, who led an impassioned call for action in a nearly 15-hour filibuster last week, would have barred people on the government’s no-fly list from purchasing guns. It also included some protections for anyone wrongly placed on the no-fly list.

The reality star, who has expressed support for Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton last summer, also retweeted Igor Volsky, the deputy director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, who called out each senator who voted against the measures by name.

Kardashian has not shied away from politics and has been vocal on the issue of gun control in the past.

A week after attending a Clinton fundraiser last August and tweeting a selfie with her husband, Kanye West, and the former secretary of state, Kardashian took to Twitter to slam online gun sales.

“How is it so easy to purchase guns online!!! Does this not sicken you? No background checks needed!!!!!” she tweeted, referencing a man who shot and killed eight people in Texas.

The “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” star also spoke out in favor of gun control during a speech in San Francisco last July.

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