Clinton to headline fundraiser with top Senate, House Democrats

Hillary Clinton will headline a fundraiser with top Senate and House Democrats on June 21 in Washington, according to an invite obtained by CNN.

Clinton, who has seen much of the Democratic Party coalesce around her after she clinched her party’s nomination earlier this month, has turned her focused away from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and toward Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Tickets for the fundraiser, which is slated to be larger than most of Clinton’s events, start at $2,700. But hosts are expected to raise $27,000.

Clinton will be joined at the event by Sens. Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Patty Murray, Debbie Stabenow and Jon Tester.

Tester is the latest senator to endorse Clinton, announcing on Friday that he was backing his party’s presumptive nominee.

Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, James Clyburn, Xavier Becerra, Joe Crowley, Ben Ray Lujan and Steve Israel will also headline the fundraiser.

In turning toward Trump, Clinton has started to raise more money for coordinated campaigns with the Democratic National Committee in battleground states that she will need to win in November in order to win the White House. So far Clinton has helped prop up coordinated campaigns in Florida, Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and North Carolina.

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