Paul Ryan: ‘Not my plan’ to rescind Trump endorsement

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday it’s “not my plan” to rescind his endorsement of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“We’re going to agree to disagree on some things,” Ryan said at his weekly news conference on Capitol Hill. “That’s just the way things work. Mitt Romney and I didn’t agree on everything. What we do agree on is we don’t want another Democrat in the White House, I can tell you that.”

The Wisconsin Republican emphasized that he will continue to speak out on issues where he disagrees with the GOP nominee, as he did earlier this week when he criticized Trump’s push for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

But pressed how many more times he could do that as a new series of issues seems to pop up almost daily, Ryan, admitted: “I don’t know the answer to that question either.”

“He’s a different kind of candidate, this is a different kind of year,” he said of Trump and the 2016 election season.

Asked about Trump’s comments Wednesday urging GOP congressional leaders who disagree with his proposals to “just be quiet,” Ryan said: “You can’t make this up sometimes.”

But the speaker appeared to bristle at the suggestion.

“We represent a separate but equal branch of government,” he said.

Earlier Thursday, Ryan and other GOP leaders unveiled at proposal to reassert the authority of the legislative branch in response to what they view is executive overreach by President Barack Obama.

The speaker is slated to serve as the chair of the GOP national convention giving Trump the official nomination for president next month in Cleveland.

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